vendredi 15 juillet 2016

NEW! Watch Premier League football for free on EE (BT, EE TV, EETV clients, ott, IPTV, Netgem client)

(14 July 2016)

"(...) Is it true I can watch Premier League football for free? (...)"

It is indeed. It has been possible to stream Premier League matches online for free before, but only from highly illegal sources, which we wouldn't recommend doing.

Thanks to the new offer, you can watch matches completely legally without shelling out for a subscription to Sky Sports or BT Sport, the only two UK broadcasters with Premier League rights. Which will save you a bundle.

That's thanks to a new offer from mobile operator EE, which is giving away six months' free access to BT Sport. This has been facilitated by the fact that EE is now owned by BT.

All you need to do is switch your phone contract to EE. (...)

(July 11, 2016)

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