vendredi 5 août 2016

Russian local equivalent of Hulu, with Netgem ?! (possible or not?!)

Broadcasters eye Russian Hulu

Five major Russian media companies are looking into the possibility of launching a local equivalent of Hulu.

According to Kommersant, First Channel, Gazprom-Media, VGTRK, National Media Group (NMG) and CTC Media plan to launch a joint online platform and are committed to the development of the project, which would echo the US service, owned by Walt Disney, 21st Century Fox and Comcast through their content divisions.

However, if they fail to reach an understanding they will continue to develop their own online platforms.

Kommersant points out that the idea of launching a joint Russian online platform is not new, having been proposed by the Media Communications Union (MKS) two years ago. No meaningful discussions nevertheless took place.

A decision on the current plan is unlikely to be made before September 2016.


A rapeller: Viaplay fait partie du groupe Modern Times Group (MTG), un groupe international de diffusion TV, présent sur 4 continents et dont l'offre inclut la TV gratuite, la TV payante, la radio et des activités de production audiovisuelle. Viasat Broadcasting opère des chaînes gratuites et payantes, accessible depuis ses plateformes satellite et sur des réseaux tiers, et diffuse du contenu TV sur Internet. MTG a ête recentemente l'actionnaire majoritaire de CTC Media, le diffuseur de TV indépendant le plus important en Russie.

1 commentaire:

  1. FEBRUARY 9, 2017

    ...Russian OTT services to broadcast live TV channels legally on the internet..."

    "...According to ComNews, a commercial launch is planned for Q2 this year, with the total cost of the project amounting to between $2 million and $5 million...."

