Press Release
Netgem Activity Point (January 25, 2022):
- Growth of more than 30% of the subscriber base in 2021.
- Objective of more than 500,000 subscribers by the end of 2022 (+ 40%).
- If the outlook is confirmed, more than 500,000 subscribers by the end of 2022 (+ 40% subscribers)
=> increase of + 40% monthly recurring revenue at the end of 2022 !!!
"This performance is the result of the development of the “Content-as-a-service” offer on Netgem’s main markets:
✓ In the Nordic countries, Netgem has supported the growth of the Premium Elisa Viihde offer, despite tensions over the availability of components, and will continue this momentum in 2022.
✓ On the British market, the NetgemTV offer had a year of commercial success, with the deployment of numerous Fiber operators, crowned in December 2021 by the launch of the TalkTalk TV by NetgemTV offer, the commercial conquest of which will be effective throughout 2022.
✓ On the French market, Netgem regained new momentum thanks to the launch of the new B2C or B2BC “OTT” services Viva by VIDEOFUTUR, Première MAX by VIDEOFUTUR and France Channel. New “OTT” services are also scheduled for the first half of 2022.
✓ In parallel with its commercial effort towards operators, Netgem continues to strengthen the attractiveness of its platform, in particular by entering into new agreements with content publishers. NetgemTV now offers hundreds of channels and services, offering access to tens of thousands of programs in the UK and France. Among the most recent agreements, Netgem can cite BT Sport, BeIN SPort 4K, more than 4,000 hours of AVOD programs (content on demand supported by advertising), and new Replay services from major channels.
=> En 2022, Netgem anticipe que cette dynamique commerciale jouera à plein et se traduira par
une accélération de la croissance de sa base d’abonnés avec pour objectif de dépasser le
demi-million d’abonnés. Malgré la tension persistante sur le marché des composants, le
Groupe estime qu’il bénéficiera, comme en 2021, du niveau d’approvisionnement lui
permettant de tenir ses objectifs.
Communiqué de presse
Résultats 2021 et Objectifs 2022
(Paris, March 31, 2022)
"... In 2021, Netgem successful deployed its “Content-as-a-service” offer in its main markets:
✓ In the Nordic countries, Netgem supported the strong growth of its partner Elisa Viihde's Premium TV offer, despite tensions over the availability of components,✓ On the British market, the NetgemTV offer enjoyed a year of commercial success, with many alternative fiber operators, and with TalkTalkoperator Tier 1✓ On the French market, Netgem launched several new “OTT” services such as Viva by VIDEOFUTUR.
The total number of subscribers to the Group's services reached 363,000 at the end of 1 December 2021, up more than 30% over the year. Over the past financial year, Netgem achieved consolidated revenue of €28.3 million. Gross profit growth over the period was 11% to reach €17.6 million, more than 90% of which was recurring revenue.
...In 2022, Netgem's objective is to exceed half a million subscribers. In addition to major
agreements with Elisa in the Nordic countries, Talk Talk in the United Kingdom, “OTT” services
in France such as Viva by VIDEOFUTUR or ZeopTV, Netgem intends to continue to sign
agreements with other alternative operators and to strengthen its platform with new content
publishers. In the first quarter of 2022, NetgemTV is thus the first multi-screen TV streaming
platform to integrate the TikToK service on its boxes as part of the TalkTalk deployment. ..."