lundi 1 août 2022

H1 2022 results: All indicators are positive!

 July 29th 2022

Highlights of the half-year: 

411,000 subscribers at the end of June 2022 - a result of the rollout of NetgemTV offers to telecom operator customers and OTT service providers. 

● In the United Kingdom, the commercial launch of the TalkTalk TV+ offer powered by NetgemTV, with the first integration of the TikTok social network. 

● In France, the launch of the Gaumont CLASSIQUE service and signature of a partnership agreement with the Oceind Group to exploit the entire “TV and content” component of its ZeopTV offer powered by Netgem. 

"From the 4th quarter of 2022, the Netgem group will operate under the brand ZeopTV powered by Netgem the television offers intended for Zeop's 100,000 Very High Speed subscribers. This agreement initially covers Reunion Island and is intended to extend to other territories in the Indian Ocean. Due to the synergies, this agreement will contribute to the Group as soon as 2023. 

Monsieur Hautefort durant le webinaire SFAF, un contrat "fully managed" génère environ €8 par utilisateur. Cela doit être le cas pour Zeop. Du coup on parle d'un potentiel de chiffre d'affaires récurrent  d'environ 10 millions €." 

● This level of activity is reflected in the growth in revenue, gross margin and EBITDA compared to 2021. 

● The acceleration expected in the second half of the year allows us to confirm the annual objectives announced, reaching half a million subscribers by the end of 2022.


17 commentaires:

  1. Son et image : "la perte de Netflix est le gain de Freeview"
    Publié par adminDate : 31 juillet 2022


  2. Jul 28, 2022
    FREEVIEW is shaking things up with the launch of a Sky Q-style upgrade that will make finding content far easier.

  3. Lire:
    2 août 2022

  4. (August 5th, 2022)
    NEW, plus additional 100,000 customers to TalkTalk !

    "Low cost focused UK ISP TalkTalk has finally reached an agreement to acquire around 100,000 broadband and phone customers from rival operator Ovo Energy"

    ... good also for Netgem TV, because Ovo Energy - sse co uk - does'nt offer TV on tis bundles!


  5. (September 2nd, 2022)
    Netgem finaliste aussi @ Connected Britain 2022!

    FOR B2B Service Provider of the Year Award:
    . BT Enterprise Managed Service
    . Comtec
    . Giganet
    . Glide Group Netgem – Netgem TV managed service for ISPs
    . Pangea Connected

    (Déjà finalist @ CSIAwards 2022 en 4 categories!)


  6. (13-09-2022)
    NETGEM wins the "Best broadband customer experience award" for "WiFi Mesh for everyone SuperStream" at the #CSI Awards organised by @CSIMagazine #Wifi #SuperStream


  7. "🏆 Our next award of the evening is the best broadband customer experience award - congratulations to our two winners this year: @netgemtv for WiFi Mesh for everyone SuperStream and @SoftAtHome for My Digital Experience - a very well done to you both! #CSIAwards"

  8. NETGEM deployments with leading partners:

    1. Post Luxembourg - Market leader in Luxembourg: quality IPTV service and first to launch 4K in Western Europe
    2. Elisa Viihde (Finland) - Leader of IPTV in Finland, launched the most comprehensive '4K Premium' TV service
    3. TalkTalk TV - TalkTalk TV 4K powered by Netgem TV for the Leading value brand in the UK Broadband market
    4. Netia - First large OTT TV deployment in Poland
    5. Elisa Estonia - modern OTT TV service, with Best TV channels selection, Netflix, Amazon Prime, Youtube.
    6. GibTelecom / Sofi Digital Entertainment - The only legal TV service in Gibraltar, leading with innovation on 4K and Multiscreen
    7. Communty Fibre TV - Fibre leader in London, powered by Netgem TV in the UK = Your TV, Your choice
    8. Pure Telecom - Leading alternative ISP in Ireland, powered by Netgem TV
    9. France Channel - The ''French Britbox': the best French SVOD service available in the USA
    10. Videofutur / VIVA by Videofutur
    11. Premiere Max by videofutur

  9. .VIDEOFUTUR est une marque du groupe Netgem qui développe une plateforme de services multi-écrans pour ses propres besoins et pour ses partenaires opérateurs soit plus de 350.000 abonnés actifs en France et en Europe francophone.

    .VIDEOFUTUR propose une offre Fibre disponible sur plus de 3 millions de foyers en France métropolitaine à travers les Réseaux d’Initiative Publique des opérateurs d’infrastructures Altitude, Axione, TDF et XP Fibre.

    VIVA by VIDEOFUTUR est un service de vidéo à la demande et de streaming, disponible en OTT sur ordinateur, iOS, Android et Chromecast.


  10. NETGEM deployments
    (only one small part with Netgem tv customers/services):

    1. Post Luxembourg (250,000 telecom subscribers,)
    2. Elisa Viihde (2.8 million customers in Finland and Estonia)
    3. TalkTalk TV - UK (4 million customers TalkTalk in phone and broadband)
    4. Netia – Poland (?)
    5. Elisa Estonia (Elisa ended 2021 with 200,000 subscribers for its cable and FTA TV services in Estonia)
    6. GibTelecom Gibraltar (?)
    7. Communty Fibre TV – London UK (435,000 premises, plans to cover 2.2 million in 2024)
    8. Pure Telecom - Ireland (1.2 million homes and businesses nationwide ~ 50% of the total premises in Ireland.)
    9. France Channel - USA
    10. Videofutur / VIVA by Videofutur (?)
    11. Premiere Max by videofutur (?)

    “Déjà au 17/03/2022: plus de 350.000 abonnés actifs seulement en France et en Europe francofone » Source : videofutur

  11. September 21st, 2022

    UK ISP CommunityFibre, which has so far covered 500,000 premises in London with their gigabit-capable Fibre-to-the-Premises (FTTP) broadband network, will today do the opposite of what most internet providers do by cutting almost all their out of contract prices. This will be particularly useful to loyal customers who are unlikely to switch.

    At present the operator, which also owns Box Broadband’s full fibre network in parts of Surrey and West Sussex (here), is aiming to reach 2.2 million UK premises by 2024 – that’s more than half of all the homes in London (3.7 million).


  12. Air Broadband, announced at 20th Sep 2022 it can service over 1 million homes and businesses (up from 250,000 before).

    * * *

    Over 1 million homes across the UK can now add NETGEM TV offering to any level of Air Broadband service for £7 per month. Existing customers can also purchase the Netgem TV box at the same price and contract stipulations.

    For those purchasing a 1000Mbps service, the Netgem TV box addition is FREE as part of their service if they opt in.


  13. ... a rapeller:

    NETGEM deployments (only one small part with Netgem tv customers/services):

    => 1. TalkTalk TV - UK (4 million customers TalkTalk with broadband)
    2. Elisa Viihde (2.8 million customers in Finland and Estonia)
    3. Post Luxembourg (250,000 telecom subscribers – vise ~100% de luxembourg avec 1Gbit/s en 2030)
    4. ZeopTV powered by Netgem - Reunión (100.000 abonnés très haut débit sur Zeop)
    5. Air Broadband - UK (disponible pour 1 million de prises en haut débit – Objectif en 2025 : 8 millions de prises haut débit !)
    6. Pure Telecom - Ireland (1.2 million homes and businesses nationwide ~ 50% of the total premises in Ireland.)
    7. Communty Fibre TV - London UK (435,000 premises, plans to cover 2.2 million in 2024)
    8. Netia - Poland (?)
    9. Elisa Estonia (Elisa ended 2021 with 200,000 subscribers for its cable and FTA TV services in Estonia)
    10. GibTelecom Gibraltar (?)
    11. Pure Telecom - Ireland (1.2 million homes and businesses nationwide ~ 50% of the total premises in Ireland.)
    12. France Channel - USA
    13. Videofutur / VIVA by Videofutur (?)
    14. Premiere Max by videofutur (?)
    15. Gaumont (Gaumont launches SVOD on Netgem platform)

  14. (27 Septembre 2022)

    Le CNC vient de publier le baromètre de la vidéo pour le premier semestre 2022 qui laisse entrevoir un nouveau record de chiffre d’affaires pour l’année 2022.

    Le chiffre d’affaires du marché vidéo dépasse le milliard d’euros à 1,087 milliard pour les six premiers mois de l’année, affichant une hausse de 13,4% par rapport à 2021. Le poids de la VOD dans son ensemble continue de progresser pour atteindre 977,7 millions d’euros, en hausse de 15,2% sur une année. Désormais, la VOD globale pèse 90% du marché de la vidéo.

  15. A analiser:

    La comparaison Netgem avec Agile Content
    (C'est le comparable le plus proche de Netgem en Europe ... technologie de TV as a service...)

    EBITDA de Netgem:
    2021: 4 Meur
    2022: 7 Meur (e) => VALORISATION 2022: 30 MEUR
    2023: 9 Meur (e)

    EBITDA de Agile C.:
    2021: 5 Meur
    2022: 11 Meur (e) VALORISATION 2022: 110 MEUR !!!
    2023: 15 Meur (e)

    (e) - estimation

    EBITDA : Il s'agit de l'EBE (Excédent Brut d'Exploitation).
    Contrairement à l'Ebit, l'Ebitda n'intègre pas les dotations aux amortissements et aux provisions pour dépréciation d'actif.
    L'Ebitda est souvent présenté comme le meilleur indicateur de profitabilité économique.

    Sur Agile Content:

  16. ______________________
    Les ISPs sur UK:
    "Netgem compte actuellement (17 janvier 2023) 15 partenaires fournisseurs de fibre au Royaume-Uni et en Irlande:

    1. Air Broadband (Objectif 2025 : 8 millions de prises BB BB – 1 million present)
    2. Brawband ( ? - Scotland)
    3. Box Broadband (?)
    4. CityFibre (Objectif 2025 : 8 millions de prises BB – 1 million present)
    5. Community Fibre (Objectif 2025 : 2.2 millions de prises BB)
    6. Inspire telecom
    7. Gigaclear
    8. Lothian Broadband (2k clients presentement)
    9. Pop Telecom
    10. Pure Fibre ()
    11. Pure Telecom (1.2 million clients in Ireland)
    12. Octaplus
    13. TalkTalk (4 million customers TalkTalk with BB)
    14. WightFibre
    15. Highland Broadband (Objectif 2027: 70k de prises- 5k au present)

    BB= Broad Band

  17. 4 novembre 2022 - Le FAI britannique multi-réseaux ZYBRE acquiert Rival Air Broadband
