(October 20, 2022)
Target confirmed of
=> half a million subscribers by the end of 2022
Netgem confirms its targets:
✓ The number of subscribers to the group's services increased by 60,000 new subscribers in the 3rd quarter to reach 470,000 (that includes any end-user subscriber of the services of the Netgem platform, subject to invoicing, either indirectly (B2B and B2B2C modes) which is the main axis of development of the group, or directly (B2C mode).
✓ The period was marked by the taking effect of the “content-as-a-service” ZeopTV+ contract in Réunion Island - management of the content and subscribers of Zeop started in October 1, 2022
✓ In the United Kingdom, the deployment of TalkTalk TV 4K powered by Netgem continues, with a continuous improvement of the content line-up. The group launched 90 new FAST Channels.
✓ Three new ISPs launched over the second half of the year.
✓ In the Nordic region, deliveries to the Finnish operator Elisa will remain strong and, given the success of the Premium Elisa Viidhe offer, Netgem expects this growth to continue in 2023.
✓ The growth of the subscriber base will have a positive impact on the group's financial aggregates with a continued improvement of results expected in the second half of the year.
Official subscriber base evolution:
2023, fin de decembre: 508 k (+38k => +2.7%/month)
2022, fin de septembre:
470 k (+59k => +4.8%/month)
2022, fin de juin: 411 k (+11k |=> +3%/month)
2022, fin de mai: 400 k (+37k => +3.4%/month)
2021, fin de décembre: 363 k (+84k | +30% on full year of 2021 => 2.5%/month)
=> The total number of subscribers to the Group's services reached 470,000 at the end of September 2022, a growth rate of more than 40% over 12 months - with an increasing pace that seems to be maintained until the end of 2022, and which could represent a safe and guaranteed growth over +40% on Netgem financial results for the next year of 2023!
Financial communication calendar:
● 2022 revenue and gross profit - Friday January 27, 2023, before market
(20-10-2022) ISPs and London Internet Exchange See Record UK Data Traffic
RépondreSupprimer"...The new peak record of 9.105Tbps was set on TalkTalk's network last night at 9:20pm, overtaking their previous record of 8.715Tbps set on April 27th...."
=> The question that arises:
What makes Data Traffic grow tremendously?!
The obvious answer: the streaming ! (highlighting 4K TV and VOD)
RépondreSupprimerL'incertitude sur TalkTalk (le cliente de Netgem TV, avec plus grand potentiel)
s'est évanouie pour l'année prochaine et pour des temps proches !
1 novembre 2022: "Virgin Media O2 a abandonné son projet d'acquérir son plus petit rival TalkTalk en raison de problèmes de réglementation et de crédit, selon un rapport du journal Telegraph."
... et l'offre talktalk TV 4K (par Netgem) continue comme offre principale!
L'autre offre, l'hub, est uniquement disponible en Full Fiber 150 et supérieur (
offre moins abordable, donc pas pour la plupart des clients).
https://community.talktalk.co.uk/t5/Articles/Compare-our-TalkTalk-TV-Box es/ta-p/2204428
RépondreSupprimerEBITDA pour Netgem
RépondreSupprimer2021: 4 Meur
ESTIMATION 2022: 7 Meur
ESTIMATION 2023: 9 Meur
(3) EBITDA : Il s'agit de l'EBE (Excédent Brut d'Exploitation). Contrairement à l'Ebit, l'Ebitda n'intègre pas les dotations aux amortissements et aux provisions pour dépréciation d'actif. L'Ebitda est souvent présenté comme le meilleur indicateur de profitabilité économique.