vendredi 23 octobre 2020

Netgem App with global distribution available @ Roku


Netgem App with global distribution available @ Roku

"Application developed by Netgem will be available on iOS, Android, the web and Roku, the leader in connected TV in the USA.

The offer will be launched in the United States in early 2021

Netgem announces its partnership with France Channels as part of the launch of its SVOD platform on the American market. This generalist and premium offer aims for the first time to promote French audiovisual creation abroad on a single destination thanks to a wide and diversified programming covering all genres: cinema, fiction, animation, documentaries, TV magazines and recordings of live shows. 

Under the "France Channel" brand, the offer will be launched initially in the United States, and will then be rolled out to other countries. In this context, Netgem will provide an integrated technical solution in SaaS (as a service) and multi-screen mode. This solution is based on the multi-screen platform deployed for the myVIDEOFUTUR service in France and for NetgemTV in the United Kingdom.


Julien Verley, President and Founder of France Channels: "The partnership with Netgem is strategic for the development of our service internationally. We are delighted to be accompanied by a French actor who shares with us the conviction of the potential of this project unprecedented which aims to become the first premium destination for all Americans wearing an interest for France.



To note:
"The application (France Channel) developed by Netgem will be available on Roku!"

To remember:
1. Roku is uniquely positioned with its advanced streaming platform and growing scale. The company operates the # 1 streaming platform in the United States.
2. Several million consumers currently use Roku streaming devices in North America, Latin America, and some European countries including UK, Ireland, and France.
3. Sep 17, 2020 In Q2 of 2020, Roku reported a total of 43 million monthly active users in the US!
4. The first ROKU shareholder is Fidelity Management & Research Co. (Fidelity Investments - FMR LLC) with 7.87% of the capital! (it's nearly 210 M €!)
5. FMR LLC  (Fidelity Investments) controls approximately 5% of the capital of the company Netgem

mercredi 21 octobre 2020

NETGEM Q3 2020 activity: growth continues!


NETGEM 3rd quarter 2020 activity:

NETGEM's activity in the third quarter of 2020 was marked by a continuation of
the commercial dynamics of the “as a service” model of its activity with
operators (in B2B and B2B2C) or with its direct customers (B2C), who represent
this quarter more than 90% of the activity. The highlights are:
  • A growth in net income that is confirmed every quarter and more marked from one year to the next due to the integration of Vitis,
  • The continued growth of the subscriber base in Finland with Elisa, by Great Britain with the various Very Broadband operators and in France including the integration of Comcable.
  • The launch in early October of the new range of MESH products in France with VIDEOFUTUR customers.

In the 3rd quarter of 2020, despite an 11% drop in turnover stemming from the foreseeable decrease in Box's historical sales activities, the net income is up 2% from the previous quarter. This reflects the now predominant share of management services activities customer base in the Group's business. Consolidation of French activities (Vitis) contributes € 4.0m out of the total € 6.4m of Net Income, and thus enables to show 100% growth.

The group's gross cash flow amounted to € 8.0 million at the end of September. A line of credit of € 1.6 million was collected in early October in anticipation of future refunds under the research tax credit.

Financial communication calendar
  • Q4 2020 turnover and net income: January 22, 2021, before market
  •  Euronext Growth Paris - admission des titres de la Société aux négociations sur le marché (réserve de l'accord d'Euronext): janvier 2021 
  • 2020 results: March 19, 2021, before market
  • Q1 2021 turnover and net income: April 21, 2021, before market

Fr :

Interesting Q3 note from Sweden:


vendredi 9 octobre 2020

NEW: UK yayzi broadband 4K TV! ...stunning 4K...!

 NEW!!!  UK yayzi broadband 4K TV!  ...stunning 4K...!


Yayzi Broadband is a British owned and operated internet service provider. 

Yayzi Broadband provide high quality, internet and phone services, with great British-based support

Yayzi Broadband, is the  latest distribution partner for Netgem in the UK - just launched near Blackpool and bundling @netgemtv  with super and ultrafast broadband.

mardi 6 octobre 2020

VIDEOFUTUR (Netgem): WiFi Mesh ! NEW Super WiFi 2020 !

 (6 Octobre 2020)

=> Fibre ultra rapide et Super WiFi:

 VIDEOFUTUR annonce sa nouvelle offre maFIBRE

VIDEOFUTUR annonce ce jour le lancement de sa nouvelle offre maFIBRE qui intègre la technologie WiFi Mesh - via sa promesse Super WiFi.

Associée à la Fibre FTTH et pilotée par une application mobile, l’offre maFIBRE garantit ainsi en permanence la meilleure expérience WiFi aux abonnés VIDEOFUTUR, quels que soient la pièce de la maison, le nombre d’équipements connectés ou le type d’usage.

VIDEOFUTUR entend renforcer sa position d’acteur majeur sur l’ensemble des Réseaux d’Initiative Publique (RIP) avec une promesse particulièrement pertinente dans la France des territoires, où les mauvais débits, le nombre croissant d’équipements connectés et les contraintes des habitations impactent souvent la réception WiFi et la qualité de l’accès Internet.

Cette nouvelle offre entièrement personnalisable par un système d’options à la demande, sera portée en communication par un message revendicateur fort au travers d’une nouvelle campagne Marketing ("La Fibre des territoires").

Pour Mathias Hautefort, Président de VIDEOFUTUR “La mission de VIDEOFUTUR est de mettre la Fibre, le Divertissement et l’Innovation au service de TOUS les territoires. En tant que Fournisseur d’Accès Internet Fibre alternatif, nous militons pour l’accès aux meilleures technologies à tous ceux qui ont fait le choix de ne pas vivre dans les grandes villes. L’offre maFIBRE est une proposition simple, personnalisable, attractive (dès 29.99€/mois) et associée aux meilleurs contenus. Elle accompagne aussi bien les usages privés que professionnels avec la meilleure promesse en terme de connectivité : la Fibre enrichie du WiFi Mesh”.

La montée en puissance des usages numériques et la hausse significative du télétravail bouleversent nos besoins. Les équipes internes de VIDEOFUTUR - sur la base de technologies développées par le Groupe Netgem - ont ainsi conçu pour leurs clients le Super WiFi, un service permettant non seulement une meilleure couverture, mais aussi une meilleure stabilité de leur connexion WiFi partout au sein de leur logement, quel que soit le nombre d’équipements connectés ou le type d’usage.