5 january 2016:
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December 2015
"The T-Box hasn't actually been replaced.
Telstra have released the Telstra TV, however it is different from the T-Box. It doesn't have Foxtel on T-Box and it is also not a Video Recorder... They identified that less people wanted the features of the T-Box and more wanted the features of devices like the Roku, Chromecast and Apple TV.... so Telstra partnered with Roku to make the Telstra TV as a streaming device.
In addition, the changes to the Foxtel pricing set up, reducing the base package from $49 to $25 really removed the price difference between Foxtel and Foxtel on T-Box, meaning that (on the bundles at least) for pretty much the same price you get full Foxtel with the iQ Boxes, meaning you can record all TV including the Foxtel shows, and access to a greater range of channels... with the features being greater the price point being pretty much the same I know there was a lot of people who migrated to the full Foxtel since...
All in all, I guess they just decided that it wasn't viable to have a new T-Box device with the market moving away from the features and benefits that it provided..."
(11 January 2016)
RépondreSupprimer"...Testra TBox which now performs superbly
https://crowdsupport.telstra.com.au/t5/Telstra-TV/Stream ing-sound-quality-on-Telstra-TV-versus-TBox/m-p/534122
Du forum Boursorama.com (effaccé...)
RépondreSupprimertatou40 21:26 - 06.01.2016 4
La nouvelle video diffusée par TELSTRA relancant une T-BOX qui ressemble à celle de NETGEM..????
Allez voir la nouvelle video - 5janvier 2016 - sur le site de WILLY...."My TV Connect "
"Le membre a déclaré être actionnaire de la société concernée" recommanderreporter un abus
wboye 09:55 - 07.01.2016 2
Il faut bien admettre que la solution de box iQ3 n'est pas à la hauteur de la solution fournie par Netgem. De plus, la box Roku ne remplacera jamais une box tout en un comme la Netbox N8000 by Netgem ... avec ces 2 tuners et son disque dur interne qui gère aussi bien la TNT que les flux en provenance du web, la vod, le replay etc...
Va t-on revoir l'expérience N7800 ressurgir en Australie ... Telstra l'avait testé pendant près d'un an ... ;)
Et dire que la solution phare déployée chez EE était initialement développée pour Telstra !!! ;)
"Le membre a déclaré être actionnaire de la société concernée"
(November 29, 2017)
RépondreSupprimerFlip TV Australia - Winner 2018 !
=> Best-Value NBN BroadBand Plan
"Flip Over To Australias's"
(November 29, 2017)
RépondreSupprimerBest-Value NBN Broadband Plan: Flip TV
Money says: In the first year of the NBN award, Flip TV took out the gong for its Family 25 plan, which costs just $59 a month for unlimited data, BYO modem.